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Contact and support

Billing data

Kifli.hu Shop Limited Liability Company

1106 Budapest, Jászberényi út 45.

Company identification number: 01-09-339560

Tax number: 26693075-2-44

Bank account number: 10800007-70000000-15569018

IBAN HU66-10800007-70000000-15569018


Office, logistic and mailing address

Kifli.hu Shop Limited Liability Company

1106 Budapest, Jászberényi út 45.

Email: info@kifli.hu  

Team up with Kifli

Do you manufacture or distribute products that we should also supply? We would be happy to receive them. Become a Kifli supplier and contact partnerek@kifli.hu  or register here.

If you need immediate assistance, please contact our customer service hotline. We are available from 8:00 to 20:00 every day. Phone number: 06 80 444 333